In May of this year, George Floyd was killed in an altercation with police in Minneapolis, Minnesota. 6 months after his death, the world still feels the impact of his death. Soon after video of the altercation was releases people all over the country banded together in protest. Unfortunately, like most things in this world, some of the protest quickly turned to riots. Examples of looters, and arsons can be seen throughout news coverage of the events.
Something that needs to be taken into consideration when looking at the Black Lives Matter movement, is that these people still have their First Amendment rights, and their six freedoms, but we need to make sure they are being held accountable when their actions violate what is protected under the First Amendment. These protest have not only highlighted some of the injustice people in America are facing today, but they have also highlighted what rights we have as American people. The article discusses how only 1 in 10 Americans knows that the right to assemble is a right granted to us by the First Amendment.
I found an article called "Five takeaways from the Black Lives Matter protests." Not only does this article stress the rights that these protesters have, but also highlights that violence is not protected under the First Amendment. Just because protesters who decide to loot, vandal, or commit arson, may believe that they are doing it in hope that it will bring change, this does not mean that the law protects them. These people will be arrested, and like the article says, once that happens they will be protected under the sixth amendment.
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