Eight Values of Free Expression

1.Discovery Of Truth- When people fight on a topic, the truth will win out. 

2. Participation in Self-Government- Citizens can and will not make informed decisions on their candidate, if the candidates being voted on can not appropriately communicate to their voters. 

3. Stable change- A society where the angry and alienated citizens are able to speak their mind, and "vent",  will end up being more stable and people will be less likely to commit crime, or violent acts. 

4. Individual Self-Fulfillment- Free speech allows people to find their real selves, and when they speak on topics that they are passionate about, they start to find communities. Thus, free speech becomes an aspect of human dignity. 

5. Check on Governmental Power-Freedom of the press allows the people to check in on the government and allow us to make sure everything is going well, not just taking what politicians tell us at face value. If something bad is happening in government, then the people can do something about it at the ballot box, if they so feel the need. 

6. Promote Tolerance- It is easy when living in a free speech society that there can be some hateful speech shared. This value teaches us that there is evidence behind that a more tolerant society is a better society. 

7. Promote Innovation- A community in which free speech is valued and protected is likely to be a more energized, creative, interesting society as its citizens actively fulfill themselves in many diverse and interesting ways.

8. Protect Dissent- You have a right to disagree with the government, and anyone else. You also have a protected right that you can not be silenced if you speak out with your disagreements. In fact, it is every patriotic American's duty under the First Amendment to criticize the government when it is doing wrong — not just a right but a duty.

The Eight Values of Free Expression are ideals that, if used by a person, will promote great political and individual growth in themselves. I believe these values would help a person in their day to day lives. I believe these values help people in understanding the way to make the right choices in elections and how to be able to use the information they have learned and make that informed choice. This is especially important right now because of the upcoming election where people feel indifferent on who to vote for. I feel like if they were to use the values, then maybe they could be more involved in the voting process and know who fits best with their own values. 



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