The internet is where examples of Echo chambers are most prevalent. The idea of an echo chamber has existed as long as there has been media. Say you believe in a flat earth, and use Twitter as the main way to discuss and read on flat earth ideas, it is very easy to follow only people that also believe in a flat earth, so there is no opposing opinion for you to also explore. So when you are on this Twitter account there is nothing to tell you that your ideas and the ideas of everyone else you follow are incorrect.
You can also find yourself in an echo chamber based on the news media you watch and read. If you only watch Fox News or CNN, it can be hard to get unbiased opinions of things like candidates for elections or issues in the world.
It is important not to let yourself be in a place like an echo chamber because you do not get much out of being there. Sure you have people around you with similar beliefs and interests, but there are no new ideas in an echo chamber, so nothing new can be learned in them.
Some people believe that echo chambers are a myth and that because of new technologies, like the internet, there is no way there could be such a thing. I believe because of things like the internet Echo Chambers has been given a platform to flourish. It is very easy for someone to delve into a topic and only see one side of it. Many times people do not go searching up a topic to gain new information but to confirm what they already believe on the topic.
It is most important when consuming media to understand that all media comes with some type of bias. Understanding an article or internet post's bias is a great way to not fall into the trap of an echo chamber. Remember that others have other opinions and that just because you believe something, that does not mean it is correct. Most importantly, go offline, find information, and new ideas from real people. Speak to people around you about your ideas and gain new knowledge from people you know may not agree with you.
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